Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Nearly 6000 children enjoyed Presidio Performing Art Foundation's annual "CHILDREN'S DAY AT THE SF WAR MEMORIAL OPERA HOUSE," free performances of excerpts from DANCING ACROSS CULTURES™. Before the shows, Bryan Blumenfeld welcomed the children, and young artists Mia Blaine and Chandler Crump modeled dance costumes and helped Miss Judy lead the audience in a cheer.

The shows opened with our sparkly Winter Wonderland dance theatre piece. Sparks flew when our guest artists originally from the Republic of Georgia performed their sword dances, and the audience enjoyed Miss Sherene dancing alongside (the first stage appearance since her fracture in 2008). Junior Company Ryan Chan stole the show with his rendition of Eskimo. The ah's and oooh's resonated beyond the walls of the Opera House!!!! Miss Julia and Miss Tricia performed an elegant Hungarian Dance and newly staged versions of Irish, Arabian, and Tarantella included all the rest of the Junior Company. This event was featured on television's ABC 7 "What's Hot" segment with Don Sanchez the Arts & Entertainment Reporter, check it out here. One public school teacher sent us a note and gave PPAF an "A+" for the performances.