Monday, November 9, 2009

Presidio Dance Theatre's Junior Company will represent the United States of America at the world's largest International Children's Festival in Turkey

BREAKING NEWS! Presidio Dance Theatre's Junior Company has been selected to represent the United States of America at the world's largest international children's festival in Izmir, Turkey---APRIL 2010. Each year, Turkey's Ministry of Culture and TRT host a festival with 10,000+ children representing 65 nations. As America's only representative, this is a large honor for our young people's dance group and their selection to share the stage with children from all over the world. Besides performing an American Suite of Dances, the Junior Company will perform the festival's only and first presentation of Assyrian and Armenian dances. TRT (national television of Turkey) projects the festival around the world and each participant receives a fabulous cultural education, as well! Further, the Junior Company has been to invited to perform in the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Ankara for a special classical ballet evening. The tour will also include special events in Istanbul. Presidio Dance Theatre's popular Turkish choreographer Ahmet Luleci will lead the tour.